29 June 2005: Lightning!
On 29 June I tried to capture some lightning.
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12 January 2005: Comet Machholz in Perseus with Pleiades and the California Nebula
This wide field picture shows comet 2004/Q2 Machholz as it passes through the constellation of Perseus in early 2005. The comet is the blue-green blob on the right hand side of the picture. No tail is shown. At the top left of the picture is NGC 1499 (the California Nebula), a large red emission nebula. Near the bottom is M45, the Pleiades open cluster, which the comet passed very close to a few days before this picture was taken.
Click the picture for a full-sized view
This picture was taken using a 50mm lens on Fuji Provia 400F 35mm film. The lens was set to f/4.o and the film was exposed for 10 minutes. The picture was scanned to digital format and post-processed in The Gimp.
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17 December 2004: Comet Machholz in Eridanus
This webcam picture shows a close-up view of the comet. The stars have short trails, indicating the movement of the comet during the image capture.
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14 November 2004: Comet Gehrels passing through Aries and Taurus
The webcam picture here shows Comet 78P/Gehrels. Notice the star trails, showing that the comet us moving relative to them.
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12 August 2004: A Persid Meteor
For the Annual Persid metor shower in 2004, I attached its original lens to the Quickcam 3000, and took a series of 3-second images in the direction of the constellation of Cassiopeia. I was lucky enough to capture one meteor - just!
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