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This page contains images of the whole moon at various times during December 2005. All the images were captured using my Canon EOS 300D digital SLR camera at prime focus of my William Optics Megrez 80 II SD telescope. Each image is a stack of around 30 photographs, which is done to improve image quality. However unlike most images on my Whole Moons page, none of these are mosaics of more than one frame.
Each set of photos was captured using the Canon's RAW mode and converted using the Canon Picture Viewer software. I then stacked them using K3CCDTools, and post-processed with PixInsight LE.
Click the images to see full-sized ones.
6 December 2005, 5 days, 16 hours old This is the very first astro-photo I took with my Megrez telescope. It is a stack of 11 frames of 1/200sec at ISO400. They were stacked in K3CCDTools.

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Earthshine This picture has been over-exposed so that the bright part of the moon appears pure white, but the normally dark part of the moon shows the craters and Mare are visible by the light reflected back to the moon from the earth. This is known as "Earthshine" and can be seen with the unaided eye when the moon is a crescent. When the moon is bigger its glow is too much and the earth-lit portion is just not visible.

8 December 2005, 7 days, 21 hours old To create this image I stacked 30 frames using K3CCDTools. The moon is at first quarter, commonly known as "half moon"!

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11 December 2005, 11 days, 2 hours old To create this image I once again stacked 30 frames using K3CCDTools.

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Night of 14-15 December 2005, 14 days, 3 hours old This is 30 frames stacked. The moon was almost full which meant I had to cut the exposure down to 1/3200 for this picture.

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Night of 15-16 December 2005, 15 days, 3 hours old This is a stack of 30 frames chosen from 70 shot at 1/2000sec. The moon is just over a day past Full.

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Night of 16-17 December 2005, 16 days, 2 hours old This is a stack of 25 frames, selected from 46 captured. It shows the craters Endymion, Langrenus, and Petavius particularly well along the terminator.

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Daves Astronomy Pictures
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