
Mare Humboldtianum, 2 August 2004
On the night of 1-2 August, 2004 the moon was 16 days old (2 days after full). I captured a sequence of images along the terminator in the North Eastern part of the moon.
This page shows the northern section, around Mare Humboldtianum.

This picture shows the rim of Mare Humboldtianum, as well as the craters Endymion, Hercules, Atlas, Mercurius, Schumacher, Messala, and Gauss, whose rim shows up in the sunlight. In the middle of this image is Lacus Temporis.
Move the mouse over the image to see feature names, move it out to see the undecorated picture.
Click Endymion, Hercules and Atlas, or Messala to show detailed images in a new window.

This picture was used in Charles Wood's Lunar Photo of the day, 30 October 2004

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