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Here is an example of image processing using PixInsight LE using a raw image stack provided by Paul Maxson, a member of QCUIAG.
Captions below each picture describe the processing it shows.
1. DBE. Subsequent processing is very sensitive to this step and in fact this image produced a couple of strange gradients at each edge even after DBE. I tried changing the DBE samples but couldn't eliminate them entirely so ended up cropping them off.

2. Curves - I pushed the Luminance and the RGB/K curve

3. Create a mask by doing Image->Duplicate, Image->Invert Apply ATrous Wavelets process to the mask with levels 1-3 all disabled. Set this mask on Image01.

4. Adjust separate R,G,B black points on the histogram taking note of the background levels (by clicking on the image and reading off the values at the bottom of the window). Don't apply this yet.

5. Adjust RGB/K mid point histogram to produce a satisfactory result in the preview. Apply histograms to image.

6. With mask still enabled, apply ATrous wavelets and simply disable level 1 - this removes background noise.

7. Disable mask and apply ATrous wavelets as shown -- enhance level 1 and 2, add some de-ringing to prevent black rings around stars, and adjust the high range of dynamic range extension to prevent saturation of the core.

8. Create a new mask as before (duplicate, invert, blur using wavelets) and apply to image. Stretch RGB/K curves as shown.

9. Disable mask and adjust histogram to set black point again.

10. Crop image as discussed in point 1.
Daves Astronomy Pictures
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